Marvelous INC.


Basic Sustainability Policy

The Group continues to take on the challenge of creating new value that leads to the happiness of people around the world in accordance with the Marvelous Handbook, which sets out the fundamental principles of our business activities. In order to contribute to the creation of a sustainable society through our business activities, we recognize ESG and SDGs as important management issues and are committed to addressing them.


Management Message

- Toward a Sustainable Company and Society -

Under the management philosophy of "Creating new entertainment to provide "Wonder" and "Excitement" to the world," the Marvelous Group engages in business activities to contribute to the creation of a fun future that everyone dreams of. To this end, we believe it is important to realize a sustainable society in which growth as a company and solutions to social issues are compatible, and we promote ESG management with consideration for the environment, society and governance.

In addition, the Marvelous Group will strive to increase corporate value by understanding the expectations and demands of all stakeholders, including shareholders, customers, business partners, local communities and employees, through various dialogues, and will also actively work to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations.

In order to achieve sustainable growth as an all-round entertainment company, we aim to establish the "Marvelous Brand" by promoting the creation and development of IP and its global expansion. As we expand our business globally, we will strive to contribute to society on an international scale. Furthermore, we will steadily achieve our goal of "A fun future that everyone dreams of" by continuing to grow together with society.

We sincerely appreciate the understanding and cooperation of all our stakeholders.

President Suminobu Sato


ESG/CSR Activities to Achieve a Sustainable Society

  • Environmental awareness
  • Promoting a paperless office

  • Promoting diversity
  • Promoting the active engagement of women
  • Promoting PWDs' employment
  • Creating an employee-friendly environment
  • Initiatives for Health and Safety
  • Training talent
  • CSR activities
  • 9 Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

  • Enhancing corporate governance
  • Observance of compliance
  • Risk management measures
  • Contact points for whistleblowers
  • Relations with shareholders


Environmental awareness
  • Marvelous engages in environment conscious action such as cutting down on office paper consumption through reduced and double-sided paper usage and by promoting the changeover to electronic internal approval systems.
  • Umbrella stands installed at the offices of Marvelous are regularly checked for abandoned umbrellas, which are then donated to the "Makuake Project", a Specified Nonprofit Corporation. makuake.jpg
  • PET bottle caps are collected and donated to the "Bottle Cap Piggy-Bank Promotion Network," an incorporated NPO.


  • 9 Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
Promoting diversity

Marvelous is committed to promoting diversity by hiring diverse talent with different attributes such as gender, age, and nationality, and transforming such diversity into a corporate asset. This commitment is part of our efforts to realize the management philosophy of creating new entertainment to bring wonder and excitement to the world.

Promoting PWDs' employment

The idea is to respect diversity as a corporate citizen and fulfill our corporate social responsibility (CSR).

Green Farm Group

Marvelous launched this Group in March 2018 as part of its efforts to provide more business opportunities for persons with disabilities (PWDs). We support these employees so that they can work comfortably and fulfill their potential.

<Lines of business>

    1. Production of herb tea that is offered to job applicants as a free gift for promotional purposes
    2. Production of vegetables that are provided to our employees as part of our employee welfare program

Company café "MARVE CAFE"

To promote the employment of people with disabilities and expand employee welfare programs, we have established a company café operated by staff with disabilities, offering coffee and other beverages at low prices for employees. All proceeds, excluding settlement fees, are donated as part of our CSR activities.

Company massage room "MARVETSUBO"

To promote the employment of people with disabilities and expand welfare benefits, we have established a massage room staffed by nationally certified anma therapists with disabilities, giving employees 30-minute massages.

Creating an employee-friendly environment

Promoting women‘s active engagement and Development of the next generation

We have formulated the General Business Owner's Action Plan(integrated with the Act on Promotion of Women's Employment and the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children) to ensure that all employees, both men and women, can play an active role and that the working environment is such that they can balance work and family.

1. Period of the Plan

From December 1, 2021 to March 31, 2026

2. Goal

<Goal 1> To increase the percentage of women in management to at least 15%

<Specific activities and implementation> From December 2021 onward

Activity 1: Creating an environment where employees who became pregnant or took maternity and childcare leave can return to work without anxiety or apprehension

・Consideration of planning and implementing events to support Female employee with children

Activity 2: Supporting a balance between household affairs (including childcare) and work

・Consideration of planning and implementation of a remote work system, etc.

Activity 3: Providing career support

・Consideration of planning and implementation of reviewing the support system for acquiring qualifications, etc.

<Goal 2> Maintain 100% coverage of childcare leave for women and increase the percentage of men who take childcare leave to 60% or more

<Specific activities and implementation> From December 2021 onward

Activity 1: Supporting for smooth return to work after childcare leave

・Consideration of planning and implementing follow-up measures for employees before and after childcare leave and during childcare leave

Activity 2: Promoting the use of childcare leave, etc. by male employees

・Consideration of planning and implementation of support measures for employees to become individually aware of the system, introduce examples of employees taking childcare leave, and take advantage of the system.

<Publication of information about the activities of women>

・Percentage of women in management: 14.5% (as of March 2024, consolidated group)

・Percentage of employees taking childcare leave by gender Men: 90.9%, Women: 116.7% (FY2024)

*The acquisition rate for FY2023 is the ratio of the number of employees who took childcare leave during the same year to the number of employees whose children were born in FY2024.
The acquisition rate for male employees is less than 100% because employees whose child is born in FY2023 and childcare leave will be taken in the following year are included. (All male employees who had children in FY 2024 have already taken childcare leave.)
The acquisition rate for female employees is exceeds 100% percent because it includes employees who had a child in FY2023, took childcare leave after maternity leave, and whose leave date was in the following fiscal year.

・Difference in wages between men and women (FY2024)

All employees:78.3% / Permanent employees:79.6% / Part-time and fixed-term employees:78.5%

Employee Welfare

At Marvelous, we have established various types of employee welfare to promote a good work-life balance, increase motivation, and provide employees with benefits. We are working to create a better working environment.

・Childcare support

At Marvelous, many employees who have young children are actively working. We have established a wide range of childcare support systems to assist our employees throughout pregnancy, childbirth and childcare, so that employees can work in accordance with life events. 100% of employees who took childcare leave have returned to work, and many employees are successfully building their careers while raising children.
Click here for details regarding Marvelous' childcare support systems.

・Anniversary leave

We have a leave system that grants employees one day off a year, such as for a birthday or wedding anniversary.

・Refresh leave, refresh allowance

Special leave is granted every 5 years, and benefits are paid according to the length of service for 10 years or longer.

・Support for club activities

In order to maintain and promote good health and to deepen mutual friendship among employees, we have established an in-house club activity support system (part of the cost is borne by the company).
Examples of club activities: futsal club, golf club

・Intracompany sales system for new Consumer games

Under this system, employees can purchase our game software at employee discount prices in order to deepen their understanding of the company's products.

・Subsidy system for online entertainment costs

In order to deepen understanding of our company's products, we have established a subsidy system that covers half of the fees charged for our online entertainment content. (Up to 50,000 yen per month)

・Employee award system (MARVELOUS AWARD)

Awards are annually given to PJ and teams who have contributed to the company's performance and have made significant achievements.

Initiatives for Health and Safety

health checkup , physical examination

In order to manage and improve the health of our employees, we require them to undergo a health checkup at the company's expense when they join the company, and also require them to undergo a health checkup or physical examination once a year. Also, if a spouse is a member of the Company's health insurance program, the Company also pays the full cost of their health checkup and physical examination . In addition, female employees have the option of gynecological checkups free of charge.

Influenza vaccination

Every year, before the flu season, the company provides influenza vaccinations to those who wish to receive them and covers the full cost.

Health management guidance and interview guidance by industrial physicians

An industrial physician reviews all annual health examination results. They provide instructions and guidance for reexamination if necessary.In addition, interviews are held twice a month for those who wish to attend, and mental health care and referrals to medical institutions of their choice are also provided.

Stress check

Stress checks are conducted annually for all employees, and industrial physicians provide care for high-stress employees.

Overwork management

We have introduced a system that monitors employee overtime and alerts superiors in advance to employees who are expected to work excessive overtime so that they can adjust their workload. In addition, employees who work under a Free working hour system are also monitored on a regular basis and provided with support such as consultations with industrial physicians when necessary.

Training talent

Enjoy Being Professional

Our business is to bring joy to people around the world. To this end, we call for and train talent who can enjoy the process of self-development. We have a rich training framework in place that accommodates both new graduates and mid-career recruits.

We want people who:

Continue to produce fun

Can turn fun into value, and

Can work with fun.

<Training arrangements>

  • Pre-employment support, providing prospective new recruits with opportunities to ask questions and seek advice before joining us
  • Dedicated trainers for new recruits fresh out of school, providing one-on-one OJT for a year in a joint project
  • Career training of various kinds as well as information security training
CSR activities

Japan’s first indie game incubation program“iGi indie game incubator (A.K.A. iGi)″

Since February 2021, the Marvelous Inc. have organized and operated iGi, Japan's first online free incubation program to support indie game creators living in Japan. The program provides development support, business support and connections to help creators get their work out into the world.

iGi Official Site 


Accommodating requests for work floor tours for preschoolers and students

Marvelous has been taking a proactive approach to accommodating requests for work floor tours as an extra-curricular activity for preschoolers and students. Thus Marvelous has been striving to aid visitors of pre-school and school-age toward realizing their dreams by allowing everyone to experience in direct contact the office environment and production processes of Marvelous and by using the opportunity for a frank exchange of opinions and aspirations for the future.

Accommodating requests for work floor tours for preschoolers and students

Publication in ‟Oshigoto Notebook for Elementary School Students” ‟Oshigoto Book for Junior High School Students”

Our company, headquartered in Shinagawa-ku, was featured as a local company in “Oshigoto Notebook for Elementary School Students” (Shinagawa-ku version) and “Oshigoto Book for Junior High School Students” (Minato-ku, Shinagawa-ku, and Ota-ku versions), which are supplementary materials for career education and introduce “jobs” at local companies to elementary and junior high school students. The book introduces each of our businesses, the process of game development, and the thoughts of our game creators about their work.


Support activities for UNICEF

Marvelous is a regular supporter of UNICEF through the Japan Committee for UNICEF, engaged in extending and promoting the protection of children's rights and the fulfillment of children's basic needs.

Support activities for Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Marvelous is a regular supporter of Médecins Sans Frontières, providing assistance on the principle of independence, neutrality, and fairness regardless of race, politics, or religion mainly for medical and humanitarian assistance activities for people in danger of life.


Enhancing corporate governance

We believe that sustainable growth requires both efficient operations and a sound and transparent management structure. Thus, we consider enhancing corporate governance to be high on our management agenda. For details on our corporate governance system, see our Corporate Governance webpage.

Observance of compliance

In order to ensure that the duties of board directors and employees are executed in accordance with laws, regulations, and the articles of incorporation, the Compliance Committee holds meetings at regular intervals and verifies the execution of job duties.

Risk management measures

In managing the risk of loss, the Risk Management Committee holds regular meetings and comprehensively considers management frameworks and methods for dealing with the varied risks facing Marvelous.

Contact points for whistleblowers

Harassment counseling desk established

Marvelous has established Harassment Prevention Regulations in order to appropriately deal with problems at the work place caused by harassment.

Whistleblowing consultation desk established

Marvelous has enacted Whistleblower Protection Regulations in order to facilitate the quick discovery and correction of misconduct, etc., through appropriate handling mechanisms for consultations and reports from employees and business partners concerning unlawful action at the organizational or individual level.

Relations with shareholders

We place special value on engagement with our shareholders in conducting our corporate activities. Through constant dialogue aimed at winning the trust of our shareholders, we take every opportunity to reflect their views and desires in our corporate activities.

Information meetings on recent operations and IR meetings

We hold an information meeting for shareholders after the general meeting of shareholders and an IR meeting for institutional investors every quarter, with explanations of business results, market trends, current performance status information, business strategies, and other information.

Questionnaire survey of shareholders

We are conducting a survey on our website in order to research the interests, expectations, and complaints of shareholders. Marvelous works to use these survey results to enhance its future business activities and IR activities.